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Past Work - Thirty Works 2021 - First 10

I'm participating in 30/30, an exercise under which I have to produce a work of art each day for the whole of April 2021 If I fail to submit something I get kicked out of the exercise.  I did the same exercise last year - here's a link to what I produced back then.
Each morning I'm given a "prompt".  Following it is optional, but I enjoy the process of trying to find a way of responding to it.
Here's the prompts and my responses for the first 10 days:

Day 1: Could your work have another function? What would it be?
Abstract picture
Title: Sun and Sea
(Repurposing the results of a mark-making exercise for use as a greetings card)

Day 2: What brings you joy? Make a work by doing that
Picture of my wife and I putting down roots
Title: Roots
(The prompt made me think about how I've put my roots down in Looe,
how I've grown to appreciate the people, scenery and wildlife of my home town)

Day 3: Can you make a tool to help you to make your work?
A pedal operated tool for making Damien Hirst's spin paintings
Title: Damien Hirst's Tool

Day 4:  Make today a research day
rowing boat automaton
Title: Rowing Boat Clothes peg Automaton
(The result of researching ways of getting a clothes peg to generate a rowing motion)

Day 5: Is there a work you've been struggling to make? Give it a go!

Lino cut pattern
Title: My First Ever Lino-Cut
Day 6: Do you have a guilty pleasure? Make a work from that.
Title: My Phrenology

Day 7: Make a work for your window
Couple putting down roots, printed on acetate, stuck to window
Title: Roots Reprise

Day 8: Ask someone for feedback and take their advice
Fish made from recycled marine plastic
Title: Fish made from recycled marine plastic
(Guy Cooper suggested making a fish from plastic rubbish washed up on beaches near our house)

Day 9: When you make or display your work do you consider how people will access it? 
If not, how might this change how you make and display your work?
Rowing boat automaton in Looe harbour
Title: Rowing boat automaton in Looe harbour

Day 10: Instead of making a work at work can you make a home at home?
Linocut print of shell superimposed on a newspaper advert
Title: Shell Space

Please click on this LINK to see the second batch of 10!

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