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Past Work - Gates for Devonport Column

 I won a competition to design these gates, which provide access to a Grade 1 listed monument in Plymouth. 

 Devonport Column Gate made from laser cut stainless steel Devonport Column Gate made from laser cut stainless steel 
 Devonport Column Gate made from laser cut stainless steel 

I worked with Le Page Architects and the gate fabricator, Formlite (Saltash),  to develop the detailed design and get it approved by English Heritage and the Historic Environment Officer of Plymouth City Council. 

The main structure of the gate is made from laser-cut stainless steel.

I made the glass elements of the gate myself. 

My 10 years’ experience as a civil engineer helped me communicate with the different parties on this project. 

 Peter Heywood's competition entry for Devonport Column Gates
Devonport Column Gates designed by Peter Heywood
 Part of my winning submission for the competition
 to design the gates
  The completed gates.
 Drop-out slumping of glass dolphin for Devonport Gate Glass dolphin made by Peter Heywood for Devonport Gate 
 Making a dolphin.  The kiln temperature was raised
 so that the glass softened and "slumped" through the hole cut in the steel plate.
 After slumping I masked some areas and
sand-blasted the inside surface.
 Art Metal completing one leaf of the Devonport Column Gate The gates provide access to the Devonport Column, a grade 1 listed monument 
Formlite keeping the gate straight while it
was being welded.
 Devonport Column, a grade 1 listed monument
 in Plymouth

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